Most of my childhood memories are with nanny and granddad when they used to take me
and jack away on caravan holidays I especially remember the time when nanny convinced
me that the Easter bunny had been and left a wand and a rolo Easter egg on my bed! She
then convinced me that if I waved my wand at the fridge and turned around there would be
a biscuit in there when I opened it! And there always was! Looking back on it now I think
Nanny might have performed the magic part!
I remember sleeping over at weekends and me and jack always used to jump into nanny
and granddads bed in the morning until it was time to go down to make breakfast! It's
memories like these that always put a smile on my face :)
Me and jack hold nanny very close to our hearts even more so when we lost our dad..
Nanny was there for us and she always seemed to be so strong even though sometimes
all she needed was a big cuddle.
The last question nanny asked me before she passed away was 'have you made any
mistakes yet?' and I can tell you the only mistake I have ever made is not telling her every
day what an amazing, caring and compassionate woman that she was.
It feels so strange saying goodbye and not seeing her stood at the front door waving back
until I’m out of sight. But it's time to say goodbye nanny and I hope you are looked after up
there by everyone that loves you.
You said to me 'I love you more than I love me' so I say to you... me and jack love you
more than you can ever know!
Sweet dreams nanny.